Journal Volume: 50      No.: 1     Year: 1997
S.No Title Abstract Download
1 Impact of Agricultural Development on Nutrition: A Perspective Study in Jodhpur and Jaipur Districts
Author: A.K. Dixit, S.K. Agarwal and Padam Singh      Pages: 29-36
The impact of agricultural development on malnutrition (Calorie inadequacy) in desert is studied. For this purpose, the distributions of calorie-consumption per consumer unit (C.U.) in the two districts of Rajasthan namely Jodhpur (with inadequate agricultural development) and Jaipur (with adequate agricultural development) are analysed. Attempts are also made to see the intra and inter variations in calorie intake among the income classes of the agricultural cOllUllUnity. The agricultural developmental strategies are also examined in the light of the standard of its appraisal. It has been noted that despite of satisfactory agricultural development in case of Jaipur, the malnutritional situation in the district goes parallel to that of Jodhpur.
2 Announcements
Author: Secretary, ISAS      Pages: 3
3 Construction of Binary and Non-Binary Variance Balanced Designs
Author: C.C. Gujarathi and Pravender      Pages: 47-55
The present paper gives simple and elegant methods of construction of varience balanced (VB) binary and non-binary designs with unequal block sizes and unequal number of replications using (a) two or more balanced incomplete block (BIB) designs having same number of treatments and (b) the concept of reinforced design. besides getting new binary and non-binary VB designs which are not obtainable by the existing methods given by many authors. it has been shown that some of these methods turn out to be perticular cases of methods describe in this paper.
4 Guidelines
Author: ISAS      Pages: 1
5 Hindi Supplement
Author: Suresh Chandra Rai      Pages: 6
6 An Approach for Almost Separation of Bias Precipitates
Author: Housila P. Singh and Raj K. Gangele      Pages: 11-17
The present investigation deals with the problem ofestimating population variance using known coefficient of variation. A funnel assoeiated with a filter-paper to filter the bias precipitates appearing in the estimators of filter-paper to filter the bias precipitates appearing in the estimators of population variance is proposed. An. empirical study is also given.
7 Estimation of Parametric Functions in Repeat Surveys
Author: Jagbir Singh and O.P, Kathuria      Pages: 18-28
In sampling on h-occasions, Minimum Variance Linear Unhiased Estimator (MVLUE) of any linear parametric function has been developed using Hilbert space method. The problem of estimation of parmlletric functions has been dealt with under any sampling design for univariate or multivariate populations.
8 On a New Symmetrical Distribution
Author: K. Srinivasa Rao, C.V.R.S. Vijaya Kmnar, J.L. Narayana      Pages: 95-102
In this paper, we introduce a family of synunetric bell shaped distributions. 1ne synunetric bellshaped distributions are useful in analysing the data that are arising from biological. sociological, agricultural and environmental experiments. The distributional properties of this family are environmental experiments. The distributional properties of this family are distributions are discussed. This family also includes various platykurtic distributions.
9 Optimality and Efficiency of Neighbouring Design
Author: K.N. Ponnuswamy and C. Santharan      Pages: 1-10
This paper deals with the optimality and efficiency of Nearest Neighbour Balanced Block Designs (NNBD) using Generalised Least Square method of estimation for different correlated models (AR(I), AR(2), MA(1), MA(2) and ARMA (I, 1». NNBD turns out to be optimal for AR(1) model and the performance of NNBD is quite satisfactory for the remaining models. The efficiency of the proposed design in comparison to regular block design is substantial for the above correlated models.
10 Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters of U-shaped Distribution
Author: Philip Sanmel and P. Yageen Thomas      Pages: 75-94
In this paper. we obtain explicit expressions for the single and product moments of order statistics arising from the standard U-shaped distribution. Some recurrence relations for moments are also derived. Best linear unbiased estimators of location and scale parameters of the U-shaped distribution based on order statistics are obtained.
11 Other Publications
Author: ISAS      Pages: 2
12 On a Class of Estimators in Linear Regression Model with Multivariate -t Distributed Error
Author: R. Karan Singh and Monica Agnihotri      Pages: 56-69
The object of this paper is to consider a generalized estimator representing a class of estimators and to find better estimators in the proposed class than the existing ones for the estimation of regression coefficients in linear regression model when the error components have the joint multivariate Student-t distribution. Approximate expressions of the bias, the risk of the proposed generalized estimator and the efficiency (dominance) condition with respect to the risk criterion under a general quadratic loss function over the minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) arc obtained. A comparative study among some estimators is also made.
13 Circular Systematic Sampling with Drawback
Author: S. Ray and M.N. Das      Pages: 70-74
A systematic design scheme which provides unbiased estimate of population mean and also estimate of variance of the mean without putting any restriction on the population size is presented.
14 Unknown Repeated Trials in Randomized Response Sampling
Author: Sarjiuder Singh and Anwar H. Joarder      Pages: 103-105
In this paper, an alternative randomization device for eliciting information on the sensitive issues is proposed. The estimator based on the proposed strategy is found to be unbiased for population proportion and is always more efficient than the Warner's [2] usual estimator.
15 General Efficiency Balanced Block Designs with Unequal Block Sizes for Comparing Two Sets of Treatments
Author: Seema Jaggi. Rajender Parsad and V.K. Gupta      Pages: 37-46
This article deals with General Efficicncy Balanced (GEB) block designs with unequal block sizes for comparing treatments belonging to two disjoint sets, each set consisting of two or more treatmcnts. OEB block designs with unequal block sizes (OEBUB) have been defined and some methods of construction of these designs have been given. A list of some of the OEBUB designs alongwith the parameters is also prepared.